Acid Reflux – 4 Natural Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is one of the symptoms of gall bladder stone. But, just because you have it, doesn’t mean you have cholelithiasis.

This condition feels like there’s burning inside your chest all the way to your neck. I experience this, too, after having a heavy meal, like roasted pig.

There are medications available to help in calming the burning. To save you from going to a pharmacy, you can just try natural remedies for acid reflux. Let’s take a look at some of them and find out whether or not they truly work.

Melatonin supplement

It’s a natural supplement that’s mainly used as a sleeping aid. However, there have been some studies showing that it can help in relieving acid reflux. Unfortunately, these studies are non-conclusive. But there are people who could swear its effectiveness.

Hence, before you take it, make sure that you check with your doctor.


Drinking a glass of milk, whether hot or cold, may help relieve the condition. However, doctors believe that it may produce more acid, thereby, worsening your heartburn. Although it can temporarily provide a buffer, it’s not advisable.

Despite that, you should not get rid of milk from your diet as it’s rich in calcium. But don’t overdo it. Doctors recommend drinking not more than 8 ounces of it at a time.


This one does wonder to your acid reflux. By chewing gum, production of more saliva is stimulated, thereby, providing acid buffer.

And as you chew gum, you’re swallowing more, pushing the acids back to the esophagus and to your stomach.

When you use this home remedy, however, make sure that you’re chewing sugar-free. It’s not because it can trigger heartburn but this option protects your teeth while alleviating your condition.

Baking soda

I’ve tried this home remedy once. It worked because baking soda is a sodium bicarbonate that neutralizes acid.

To use, simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water. (I used warm water.) Stir. Make sure that it’s well-mixed before you drink the concoction.

Here are some strategies to soothe the burn

>Don’t eat foods that can trigger this condition. These foods will include caffeine, citrus fruits, chocolate, and high-fat foods. Instead, focus on eating more fiber to help digest what you’re eating and move it to your stomach a lot easier.

>Don’t eat heavy meals or 3 big ones. Instead, you should trying eating 6 meals a day. Eating one big meal can trigger heartburn.

>Eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. In this way, your stomach will have enough time to empty the content before lying down.

>Lose weight by following a healthy diet. It’s also recommended that you exercise so you’ll lose weight fast.

>Quit smoking. The act of smoking affects the muscle that makes sure the acids will stay in the stomach.

>Avoid wearing tight clothes. They’re cool but they can put a lot of pressure to your abdomen, which may lead to acid reflux.

On the other hand, if your acid reflux persists, you need to consult your physician. As I previously mentioned, it could be a symptom of gall stones.
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