Colonoscopy Prep: Helpful Tips to Clear Your Bowels 

The colonoscopy prep is one of the things that many patients are afraid of. It can be a major inconvenience. But it is necessary. Keep in mind that you need at least 16 hours to prepare for this procedure. The overall procedure, on the other hand, can only take around three hours or less.  

What to do During Colonoscopy Prep Three Days Before the Procedure? 

Eating a low-fiber diet is vital, three days before the procedure. If you are taking fiber supplements and anti-diarrhea drugs, then you need to stop. 

You should also discontinue eating foods containing dyes because they may interfere with the examination. 

What are the High-Fiber Foods to Eat during Colonoscopy Prep? 

Milk and Dairy
It is okay to eat hot chocolate, buttermilk, cream, yogurt, and sour cream. But you must not mix yogurt with nuts, granola, and seeds. You must avoid berries or fruits with skin or seeds. 

Bread and Grains 
You can eat them as long as they are made with refined white flour. It is also okay to consume white rice, low-fiber cereal, and plain crackers.

It is a no-no to eat brown or wild rice, as well as bread or cereal with seeds or nuts. 

You are allowed to eat chicken, lamb, veal, eggs, tofu, fish and seafood. But you got to stop eating tough meat with gristle. 

You cannot eat legumes. Thus, no dried peas, beans, lentils, and other legumes. 

You can only eat canned or cooked fruits but you must consume them without seeds or skin. Avoid eating raw fruits with skin or seeds. Raisins are not allowed. Any dried fruits cannot be consumed. 

The bottom line, you must not eat food with seeds, nuts, and whole grains. Avoid dried fruits too. Your doctor will tell you what food to eat and what food to avoid to prepare for this procedure. 

What is Colonoscopy Prep Diet on the Day Before the Colonoscopy Procedure?


You cannot eat solid foods anymore. Instead, you can eat clear liquids, such as black coffee, tea, clear juice, clear broth or bouillon, clear drinks or sports drinks. Avoid drinking fruit juice with pulp or beverages containing red or purple dye. 

All solid foods are replaced with clear liquids. And the midnight before the procedure, you will have nothing by mouth. In other words, you will undergo fasting. 

But you can have a clear liquid, like broth, tea, and water. As mentioned earlier, you cannot have fluids containing blue, red, or purple food coloring. 

No nuts, seeds or foods with a high amount of fiber before you take clear liquids. 

You must not eat or drink two hours before your colonoscopy procedure

Bowel Preparation 

The evening before the procedure, you can only drinking liquid that triggers diarrhea. It is known as a bowel-clearing substance. 

However, the exact instructions to prepare for colonoscopy will depend on your doctor’s preference. It also varies depending on the time of the procedure and your previous experience with colonoscopy. 

What are the Laxative Medications for Colonoscopy Prep 
Your doctor will use different types of medications. But they typically include enema. This will help in flushing out your colon. You will have to take it the evening before the procedure. 

What is PEG in Colonoscopy Prep?

It is one of the solutions that your doctor may require you to take. It works by forcing fluid through your colon. It flushes all the waste. 

You will have to drink a gallon of it. But you cannot take it in one gulp. Rather, you will have to drink 8 ounces every 10 minutes. 

This solution may make you feel nauseated because of its salty taste. If you are not into salty food or drinks, then it might be a problem that you have to endure. 

When the solution’s effects kick in, you will experience bloating and cramping. Then, you will go to the bathroom frequently. 

Shop for the Right Products 

You might need to drink a lot of Gatorade, Jell-O, and Italian ice. However, you must not take anything with red, blue and purple dyes. If you like, you can drink chicken or beef broth. To soothe your bottom, you must buy some medicated wipes. 

Avoid going out once you are starting to prepare your bowel. Keep in mind that you will be going to the bathroom frequently once the solution kicks in. If you are responsible for your kids, make sure that you get some help. 

How to Drink the PEG Solution? 

It is not tasty. Thus, you may wish to add some Kool-Aid, lemon or lime juice. Drink it chilled or hold your nose while you are drinking it. Sucking on a slice of lemon may also help. 

Because you will be visiting the bathroom frequently, you must wear loose clothing. Keep in mind that when the urge to poop hits, it can be difficult to hold back. Thus, you must tell the other people in your house to bear with you in this situation. 

It can be boring and irritating. But to help you soothe the feeling, you may want to set up your toilet with music. You may also try to watch videos on your laptop or read some magazines while you are in the bathroom. These things can help. 

During the Procedure 

The procedure, per se, can last for up to three hours. Your physician will keep you relaxed as much as possible. 

Colonoscopy Prep Importance

You must follow the instructions carefully. Remember that this procedure is the only way for your doctor to see and inspect your colon to find any polyps or tumors. If there are polyps, your doctor will remove them for biopsy. 

This procedure is necessary if you have a family history of colon cancer. It can be a hassle. But it is all worth it. It can spot small colon cancers that are still treatable. In that way, your doctor can remove them before they can spread to various parts of the body. 

Colonoscopy is also vital to remove any polyps that might develop into cancer. Keep in mind that colon and rectal cancers are said to be the third most common type of cancer and the second leading cause of death related to cancer in the US and other parts of the world. 

You must perform the colonoscopy prep properly. Otherwise, a not-so-clean bowel can interfere with your doctor’s diagnosis. 


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