Colonoscopy Procedure Part II

My mom underwent colonoscopy last week and it turned out to be fine—no bumps, no abnormalities. In other words, there are no signs of colon cancer.

The procedure was quick that it only took less than 30 minutes. My mom was sedated during the procedure. She just strained for seconds as the fiber optic camera reached the ascending part of her colon. In general, she was doing okay while the doctor (number 1 gastroenterologist in Davao City) was busy maneuvering the device to look at her colon.

Since we have a family history of colon cancer, she needs to undergo colonoscopy after five years. But if there are any changes in her bowel movement, she has to go through the same type of colon examination.

Although we have a family history of colon cancer, we can still decrease our risk of developing this type of cancer by eating fiber-rich foods and consume at least three portions of fruits high in fiber each day.

Other topic decrease our risk of developing this type of cancer by eating portions of fruits high in fiber. s of interest:

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