Meditation as Analgesic

An hour of meditation for three days can give sufficient analgesic effect, according to a study. Meditation allows a person to reduce the tension and anxiety, thereby, lessening the pain in the body. It is like accepting and engaging with the pain rather than distancing yourself from the pain by taking pain killers.

After reading such, I have been trying to meditate but I always find myself falling asleep during the course. Sheesh.

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Eye Floaters
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Eye Floaters
I briefly mentioned in my previous blog post regarding the eye floaters of my mom. Eye floaters are specks in front of our eyes. Almost everyone experiences, at some point in time, occasional floaters while staring an object against a light background. The floaters can also be seen when we are feeling light-headed.

Generally, eye floaters are innocuous. Thus, there is nothing to be worried of when they appear. However, when these floaters become visible in every background and are accompanied by loss of vision, it could be an early symptom of retinal detachment, according to eye specialists. Therefore, visiting an ophthalmologist is recommended.

As for my mom’s eye floaters, her ophthalmologist considered them as harmless.

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Cataract Removal: The AcrySof IQ ReSTOR Way

My mother has cataract in both eyes. This eye condition usually occurs in older patients. However, such eye problem may also affect younger patients.

A couple of weeks ago, my mother underwent eye check-up, not for her cataract, but for the floater she has been complaining for days. Her ophthalmologist advised her not to be concerned about the floater as it can simply go down, anytime. Plus, it is innocuous. But he recommended removal of her cataract as this eye condition worsens my mom’s visions.

The recommended procedure requires small incision in the affected eye to melt the clouded lens of the said eye. The surgeon will then replace the removed lens with AcrySof IQ ReSTOR lens.

That cataract removal procedure seems simple. But it is not easy on the pocket. Each lens cost PHP80k ($1800+). Then again, after putting a hole in my mom’s pocket, her ophthalmologist assured that she would get a clear vision and that she would no longer need to wear reading glasses.

In the meantime, my mother has to bear with wearing prescription eyeglasses while we are still trying to figure out where to get such a big amount. Ugh!

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